Sunday, June 17, 2012

Last Day In ALCO

     The ball is rolling so fast now.  Really It's kind of done rolling, this thing is done.  I wondered and worried about my "last day".  I've heard so many stories about how people went out.  Traumas vs 5150's.
      I was able to pick up an overtime shift with Robby Willkom.  My first day ever in EMS was with Robby and Rich Riggs roughly 6 years ago.  If I remember correctly, I showed up at ProTransport a little before 0500 to find Rich and Robby slapping the shit out of each other with zip tags.  Little did I know then how much sense that would eventually make.  We went out on this BLS ambulance and honestly the most memorable part of the day was the Subway we got in Berkeley.  I do remember that day, the ever so slight hierarchy in the ambulance.  Robby drove and Rich sat in the passenger seat.  I sat in the back with my face poking through trying to figure out what we were doing and who these people are.  I ended up doing a lot of ride alongs and had many, many people jamming their face into the front with, I'm sure, similar thoughts about me.  I tried to keep in mind my feelings that first day whenever I could.
     So Robby and I got to go out last night.  I tried hard to not whine while at work, and the folks who throw temper tantrums about being in a particular zone, kind of bug me.  You are at work, just go to work.  Last night dispatch sent us to Hayward, we complained and explained and amazingly enough we were sent shortly to Oakland.  What would be in store for us while we were there tonight.  Coincidentally Rich Riggs called Robby chat about other stuff.  We tried talking him into jumping on and riding along with us tonight, he declined.  I got nostalgic about silly things.  I am going to miss the 'what are we listening to?' game. ( the answer is always the same, ' I'll listen to anything', they won't.) driving down Broadway and being stuck in the traffic, the crowd at the Paramount.  I wanted to eat at every place I'd ever eaten. Coffee at every coffee shop.  We ended up a little over caffeinated.  Without specifics, we ran 6 calls,  an average night for a Thursday in The Town.  I knew half of our patients by first name.  I could have seen anything tonight. I think this was an appropriate way to end a journey.  I was able to say goodbye to OFD, my partners and co-workers as well as my regulars.
    I don't think I can explain how much I have loved this town.  If you know me you know I can go on for days about the specifics that I adore.  I will say that this Town is not perfect, who is?  Nobody has ever been fool enough to think it is.  I love the willingness Oakland has to try, frequently fail and occasionally blow the worlds mind.  I will miss what this place has given to me and my family.

I was born in L.A.
I was raised in Arizona
I left home and moved to San Diego
I visited Memphis
I became independent in the nightmare called NYC
Seattle was just a dream
I became a Husband and a Father in Oakland
I think Kansas will be enlightening 

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